2022 NSMMS & CRASTE Top Level Agenda

For a printable version of the top level agenda, Click here

Sunday, 26 June 22 Monday, 27 June 22 Tuesday, 28 June 22 Wednesday, 29 June 22   Thursday, 30 June 22
  Track 1  Track 2 Track 3 Track 1 Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Track 1 Track 2 Track 3
Tutorials & Workshops Tutorials & Workshops Tutorials & Workshops Plenary Session Hypersonics Development, Processing, & Testing of Advanced Materials Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials Orbital Access for Small Payloads Hypersonics Aerospike Rocket Integration and Sub-Orbital Experiment (ARISE)  Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials
Break  Break 
Tutorials & Workshops Tutorials & Workshops Tutorials & Workshops Plenary Session Hypersonics Development, Processing, & Testing of Advanced Materials Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials Innovative Test Methodologies & Platforms Hypersonics Aerospike Rocket Integration and Sub-Orbital Experiment (ARISE) Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials
Lunch Break (On Your Own) Lunch Break (On Your Own)
Missiles & Missile Defense Tutorials & Workshops Small Business
Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Hypersonics Development, Processing, & Testing of Advanced Materials Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials Ground & Flight Test Methodologies Space Access & Propulsion Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM)/ Integrated System Health Monitoring (ISHM)  Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials
Hypersonics Development, Processing, & Testing of Advanced Materials Novel Spaceflight Payloads, Instruments, & Mission Operations Emerging Entry, Descent, & Recovery Systems & Technologies
Break  Break 
Early Check-In Missiles & Missile Defense Tutorials & Workshops Small Business
Hypersonics Development, Processing, & Testing of Advanced Materials Novel Spaceflight Payloads, Instruments, & Mission Operations Reducing Cost, Increasing Safety, & Improving Reliability Hypersonics Development, Processing, & Testing of Advanced Materials Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials Ground & Flight Test Methodologies Badger Propulsion Test Facility Tour
Welcome Reception and Exhibit &
Poster Kick-Off
Tuesday Networking Social & Game Night Poster Session & Networking Reception

Detailed Agenda Download Detailed Agenda

NSMMS & CRASTE Focused Sessions CRASTE Focused Sessions NSMMS Focused Sessions
Sunday, 26 June 2022
1600 - 2000 Early Registration 
Monday, 27 June 2022
0700 - 0745 Speaker Meeting (with Light Breakfast) for Monday Presenters
Sponsored by Ball Aerospace
0700 - 0800 Attendee Light Continental Breakfast 
0700 - 1730 Registration Open 
1000 - 1630 Exhibitor Move-In 
1330 - 1630 Poster Move-In 
1200 - 1330 Lunch Break
(On Your Own - See Registration Desk for Area Restaurants)
1730 - 1900 Welcome Reception and Exhibit & Poster Kick-Off
NSMMS & CRASTE Tutorials & Workshops

Organizers:  Mr. Nickolas Demidovich, Federal Aviation Administration; Mr. Carter Johnson,
ReLogic Research; Dr. Gerald Russell, RTCS, LLC; & Mr. Tim Stewart, Ultramet
0800 - 0845 Keynote Presentation:  Emerging Technology Horizons for Space Nuclear Systems
Dr. Anthony Calomino, NASA, Space Technology Mission Directorate
0845 - 0930 Dream Chaser Spacecraft and Vision for the Emerging Commercial LEO Economy
Mr. Thomas Crabb, General Manager, Sierra Space

0930 - 0935 Transition to Multi-Track Tutorials, Workshops, & Small Business Forum
  Track One
Track Two
Track Three
  NSMMS & CRASTE Tutorials & Workshops NSMMS & CRASTE Tutorials & Workshops NSMMS & CRASTE Tutorials & Workshops
0935 - 1035 The Path to Flight: Maturing New Hypersonic Technologies
Organizer:  Dr. William Carter, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 
Small Business Engagement in Hypersonics Workshop
Session Chair:  Dr. Dean Modroukas, Innoveering, LLC
Organizers:  Dr. Keith Bowman, Innoveering, LLC; Mr. Glenn Liston, ABDA, Inc.; & Dr. Gerald Russell, RTCS, LLC

-Workshop Objective and Products
Dr. Keith Bowman, Innoveering, LLC
-The Value of Small Businesses in Innovation
Keynote:  Col Jake Porter, Air Force Research Laboratory
-Rapid Transition of TPS Technologies into Hypersonic Systems
Dr. Bruce Moylan, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Critical Material Property Databases:  Current Status and Future Needs

-Background and Need for Accessible Databases
Mr. Thomas Lewis, Air Force Research Laboratory
-CMH-17 CMC Volume 5
Mrs. Rachael Andrulonis, Wichita State University
High Temperature Antennas for Hypersonics:  Data Needs
Mr. Curtis Martin, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Dr. Brent Carey, Battelle
Panel Discussion
1035 - 1100 Break
Sponsored by Aerojet Rocketdyne
1100 - 1200 Utilizing Low Cost Alternative Facilities for Preliminary Flight Material Validation
Mr. Alex Conley, Lockheed Martin HEAT; Mr. Carter Johnson, ReLogic Research; & Mr. Tim McKechnie, Plasma Processes
Small Business Engagement in Hypersonics Workshop, cont.

Focus Topic Sessions
Mr. Tim Stewart, Ultramet
Air-Breathing Propulsion
Dr. Dean Modroukas, Innoveering, LLC
-Ground and Flight T&E Facilities

Mr. Roger Herdy, CFD Research Corporation

Mr. Gary Tiscia, Materials Research & Design, Inc.
Space Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing
Mr. Jeramie Broadway, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
1200 - 1330 Lunch Break
(On Your Own - See Registration Desk for Area Restaurants)
  Track One
Track Two
Track Three
Missiles & Missile Defense

Session Chair:  Ms. Danielle Gerstner, Naval Surface Warfare Center

Lead Organizer:  Dr. Joseph Sheeley, PERIKIN Enterprises

Co-Organizers:   Mr. Jason Calvert, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command; Mr. Aaron Cossey, Missile Defense Agency; Mr. Paul Marchol, Aerojet Rocketdyne; & Dr. Gerald Russell, RTCS, LLC
Tutorials & Workshops, cont.
Small Business Forum
Sponsored by Lockheed Martin
1330 - 1335 Session Introduction 1330 - 1430 Small Business Engagement in Hypersonics Workshop, cont.

-Open Floor Q&A
-Present Summary of Focus Topic Sessions and Future Engagement Planning
Small Businesses Forum One-on-Ones
1335 - 1400 Technology Maturation - Windows and Materials Overview
Mr. Mark Glenn, Missile Defense Agency
1400 - 1425 RF Aperture Materials Needs
Mr. Curtis Martin, Naval Surface Warfare Center
1425 - 1450 Testing and Optimization of Windows
Mr. Brian Tucker, Mainstream Engineering
1430 - 1435 Transition to Other Tutorials, Workshops, & Sessions  
1450 - 1515 Multilayered MAX Phase Coating for High-Temperature Oxidation Protection of Missile Control Surfaces
Dr. Jessica DeBerardinis, Ultramet
1435 - 1540  Workshop on Ensuring the Future through Workforce Development
Session Chair:  Mr. Dan Marren, SRC
Organizers:  Dr. Gerald Russell, RTCS, LLC & Dr. Eric Wuchina, NSWC

-JHTO Expanding Workforce Strategies from STEM Pipeline through Existing Workforce
Dr. Lori Stiglitz, NSWC Crane
-University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics - Overview
Mr. Dan Marren, SRC
Small Businesses Forum One-on-Ones
1515 - 1540 Carbon Foam Lightning and Thermal Protection System
Mr. Matthew Przybysz, Touchstone Research Laboratory
1540 - 1600 Break
Sponsored by Ultrame
  Track One
Track Two
Track Three
Missiles & Missile Defense, cont.
Tutorials & Workshops, cont.
Small Business Forum, cont.
1600 - 1625 Modeling and Optimization of Strategic and Tactical Rockets; MONSTR Program Overview
Dr. Timothy Gallagher, United States Air Force
1600 - 1730 Workshop on Ensuring the Future through Workforce Development, cont.

-Workforce Requirements and Development for the Advanced Ceramics Industry
Mr. Doug Freitag, USACA
Investing in the Future Workforce for Hypersonics
Dr. Brett Hauber, UDRI
Activities in Work Force Development for Thermal Protection Systems used in Hypersonics and Reentry
Dr. Tim Ferguson, Kratos SRE
Small Businesses Forum One-on-Ones
1625 - 1650 Case-on-Propellant Manufacturing of Composite Rocket Motor Cases from High Temperature Resins
Dr. Jared Morrissette, Air Force Research Laboratory
1650 - 1715 Design and Testing of Articulated Thermal Protection
Mr. Eric McGill, University of Dayton Research Institute
1715/1730 - 1900 Welcome Reception and Exhibit & Poster Kick-Off 
1930 - 2130 Student Networking Reception (Invitation Only)
Tuesday, 28 June 2022        
0700 - 0745 Speaker Meeting (with Light Breakfast) for Tuesday Afternoon
Sponsored by Momentive
0700 - 0800 Attendee Light Continental Breakfast
Sponsored by Spirit AeroSystems
0700 - 1730 Registration Open 
1200 - 1330 Lunch Break
(On Your Own - See Registration Desk for Area Restaurants)
1330 - 1730 Exhibits and Poster Session Open
1800 - 2100 Madison Mallards Baseball Game Reception
Sponsored by Northrop Grumman Corporation
NSMMS & CRASTE Plenary Session         
0800 - 0815 Opening Remarks, National Anthem & Plenary Session
Announcements:  Dr. Garth Wilks, Lead Air Force Advisor to NSMMS & CRASTE,
Air Force Research Laboratory
Moderator:  Col Daniel Gallton, Chief, Science & Engineering Division,
Air Force Office of Scientific Research

0815 - 0855 Keynote:  Mr. Tom Lockhart, SES, Director of Engineering and Technical Management, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center
0855 - 0930 Dr. Sharon Cobb, SES, Associate Program Manager, Space Launch System Program,
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
0930 - 1005 Dr. William Carter, Program Manager, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
1005 - 1035 Break
Sponsored by RTCS, LLC
1035 - 1110 Mr. Kelsey Haynes, RCCTO speaking on behalf of Mr. Robert Strider, SES, Deputy Director, Army Hypersonic Project Office
1110 - 1145 Dr. Eric Wuchina, NSWCCD speaking on behalf of Dr. Knox Millsaps, SES, Division Director, Aviation, Force Projection and Integrated Defense, NSWCCD
1145 - 1200 Awards Ceremony:  Col Daniel Gallton, Chief, Science & Engineering Division,
Air Force Office of Scientific Research; Dr. Raymond Clinton,
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; & Mr. Tim Stewart, Ultramet
1200 - 1330 Lunch Break
(On Your Own - See Registration Desk for Area Restaurants)
  Track One
Track Two
Track Three
Track Four

with * 

Session Chairs:  Mr. Curtis Martin, Naval Surface Warfare Center & Dr. Jesse Maxwell, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

Lead Organizer:  Mr. Mitch Petervary, The Boeing Company
Co-Organizers:  Mr. Dan Hladio, Materials Research & Design, Inc.; Mr. Tod Palm, Northrop Grumman Aeronautics Systems; Dr. Suraj Rawal, Lockheed Martin Space Systems; Dr. Sandra Walker, NASA Langley Research Center; & Mr. Brian Zuchowski, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
Development, Processing & Testing of Advanced Materials

Session Chair:  Dr. Dan Thoma, University of Wisconsin

Lead Organizer:  Dr. David Witkin, The Aerospace Corporation
Co-Organizers:  Mr. Jimmy Allen, Dynetics; Prof. Greg Hilmas, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Dr. Garth Wilks, Air Force Research Laboratory; & Dr. Eric Wuchina, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Novel Spaceflight Payloads, Instruments, & Mission Operations

Session Chair:  Dr. Samir Singh, Ball Aerospace

Lead Organizer:  Mr. Michael Fuller, Northrop Grumman Space Systems
Co-Organizers:  Mr. James Tucker, Kratos SRE; & Mr. John Vasquez, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Emerging Entry, Descent, and Recovery Systems & Technologies

Session Chair:  Prof. Joseph Koo, The University of Texas at Austin

Co-Chair:  Dr. Andrei Zagrai, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
1330 - 1335 Session Introduction Session Introduction Session Introduction Session Introduction
1335 - 1400 Surface Morphing and Adaptive Structures for Hypersonics (SMASH)
Dr. Jesse Maxwell, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
*Thermogravimetric Analysis as an Indicative Tool of Ablation Performance for Low-Density Flexible Thermal Protection Systems Material for Hypersonic Vehicles
Mr. Steven Kim, The University of Texas at Austin
Adhesive Formulation for use in Cryogenic Applications
Dr. Samir Singh, Ball Aerospace & Mr. Joel Stray, Gentex Corporation
Development of Domestic Lyocell Based Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA-D) and Conformal PICA for Future NASA Missions
Dr. Matthew Gasch, NASA Ames Research Center
1400 - 1425 Morphing Ceramic Matrix Composites for Hypersonic Wind Tunnels
Dr. Sergio dos Santos e Lucato, Teledyne Scientific
*Low-Density Flexible Thermal Protection Systems Material for Hypersonic Vehicles
Mr. William Fahy, KAI, LLC
Timely and Cost Effective Cryo-Mechanical Testing
Mr. James Tucker, Kratos SRE
*Comparison of Material Response Models of Low-Density Thermal Protection System Materials for Hypersonic Applications
Ms. Samantha Bernstein, The University of Texas at Austin
1425 - 1450 Material Maturation for Hypersonics – A Program to Transition Advances in C/C Materials Technology to Industry
Dr. Dennis Buchanan, University of Dayton Research Institute
The Processing and Evaluation of Polyarylacetylene Resin as a Substitute Matrix for Modern Phenolic Composites used in Ablative Applications
Dr. Vanessa Arredondo, The Aerospace Corporation

Updated presentation title to "Evaluation of Polyarylacetylene Resin as a Matrix Material in Carbon-Carbon Composites for High Temperature Applications".
Update on Improved Precision of CTE Measurements for Space Structure Materials
Mr. James Tucker, Kratos SRE
Development and Qualification of PICA-D Thermal Protection System to Support Mars Sample Return and Dragonfly Missions
Dr. Steven Violette, Spirit AeroSystems
1450 - 1515 Investigation on the Effects of Pyrolysis on the Structure of Carbon-Carbon Composite Materials for Hypersonic Aircraft
Prof. Jacqueline Johnson, The University of Tennessee Space Institute
*Computational Model of Carbon Fiber Zirconium Carbide Composite Oxidation under Hypersonic Conditions
Ms. Allison Rzepka, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Burst Test of Composite Cryogenic Tank
Dr. William Keith, The Boeing Company

Updated presentation title to "4.2M Composite Cryotank Validation"
An Initial Study for the Design of a Recoverable Distributed Black Box for Spacecraft
Mr. Dale Amon, Immortal Data, Inc.
1515 - 1545 Root Beer Float Break
Sponsored by Plasma Processes, LLC
  Track One
Track Two
Track Three
Track Four

with * 
Hypersonics, cont.
Development, Processing & Testing of Advanced Materials, cont.
Novel Spaceflight Payloads, Instruments, & Mission Operations, cont.
Reducing Cost, Increasing Safety, & Improving Reliability

Session Chair:  Mr. Max Vozoff, X-Bow Systems

Co-Chair:  Mr. Nickolas Demidovich, Federal Aviation Administration
1545 - 1550 Announcements Announcements Announcements Session Introduction
1550 - 1615 Development of Ultrasonically Absorptive Materials for Boundary Layer Transition Delay
Mrs. Kerry Howren, Materials Research & Design, Inc.

Presentation to be given by: Mr. Jack Saffian,  Materials Research & Design, Inc.
*Aerothermal Evaluation of Novel and Modified Ablative Composite Systems for Hypersonic Applications
Mr. Colin Yee, The University of Texas at Austin
Response of Ablative Thermal Protection Materials to Degradation in Low Earth Orbit – Characterization of Specimens from MISSE-13
Dr. Peter Marshall, Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc.
Polymer Radiation Shielding for Lightweighting Spacecraft
Mr. Brad Thomas, NanoSperse
1615 - 1640 Nondestructive Evaluation Methods for Manufacturing Quality Assessments of Carbon/Carbon Structures
Dr. Victoria Kramb, University of Dayton Research Institute
*Influence of Silicon Carbide on Laser Powder Bed Fusion Molybdenum
Maj Nathan Ellsworth, Air Force Institute of Technology
Orbital Access using MISSE
Mr. Langston Wesson, Aegis Aerospace
Effective Risk Management of Electrostatic Discharge Machining Processes
Mr. John Renbarger, Ball Aerospace
1640 - 1705 SiC-SiC Ceramic Matrix Composite Material for Reusable Hypersonic Vehicle Hot Structures
Mr. Derek Caputo, Materials Research & Design, Inc.
Graded Alloy Transition Deposition (GRATD) Process Development
Dr. Daniel Driemeyer, Boeing Research & Technology
Analysis of Materials International Space Station Experiment-10 (MISSE-10) Thin-Film Solar Cells
Ms. Meghan Carrico, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Application of Base-Bleed and Propellant Grain Optimization for Range Extension of a Rocket-Assisted Projectile
Mr. Farid Rafla, Air Force Research Laboratory
1705 - 1730 SiC-Based CMC for Hypersonics & Space
Mr. Michael Peretti, GE Edison Works
*Development of a Novel Molybdenum-Chromium-Aluminum Alloy for Hypersonic Service
Mr. Michael Niezgoda, University of Wisconsin Madison
Regolith-Derived Extensible Feedstocks for Orbital Manufacturing of Materials and Structures
Dr. Michael Miller, Southwest Research Institute
Enabling Powerful Suborbital Missions with Rocket Lab's Electron Launch Vehicle
Mr. Richard French, Rocket Lab
1800 - 2100 Networking Reception at the Madison Mallards Baseball Game
Sponsored by Northrop Grumman Corporation
Wednesday, 29 June 2022        
0700 - 0745 Speaker Meeting (with Light Breakfast) for Wednesday's Presenters
Sponsored by Textron
0700 - 0800 Attendee Light Continental Breakfast
Sponsored by Dynetics
0700 - 1730 Registration Open 
1200 - 1330 Lunch Break
(On Your Own - See Registration Desk for Area Restaurants)
0700 - 1200
1330 - 1900
Exhibits and Poster Session Open 
1730 - 1900 Poster Session and Networking Reception
Sponsored by The Boeing Company
1900 - 2030 Exhibit and Poster Dismantle 
  Track One
Track Two
Track Three
Track Four

Session Chairs:  Dr. Bill Carter, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency & Mr. Curtis Martin, Naval Surface Warfare Center

Lead Organizer:  Mr. Mitch Petervary, The Boeing Company
Co-Organizers:  Mr. Dan Hladio, Materials Research & Design, Inc.; Mr. Tod Palm, Northrop Grumman Aeronautics Systems;
Dr. Suraj Rawal, Lockheed Martin Space Systems; Dr. Sandra Walker, NASA Langley Research Center; & Mr. Brian Zuchowski, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
Development, Processing & Testing of Advanced Materials

Session Chair:  Dr. Paul Kladitis, University of Dayton Research Institute

Lead Organizer:  Dr. David Witkin, The Aerospace Corporation
Co-Organizers:  Mr. Jimmy Allen, Dynetics; Prof. Greg Hilmas, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Dr. Garth Wilks, Air Force Research Laboratory; &
Dr. Eric Wuchina, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials

Session Chair:  Dr. Jim Stott, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Lead Organizer:  Dr. Amjad Almansour, NASA Glenn Research Center
Co-Organizers:  Dr. Raymond Clinton, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; Ms. Kaia David, The Boeing Company; Mr. Michael Fuller, Northrop Grumman Space Systems; Dr. Suraj Rawal, Lockheed Martin Space Systems; Mr. Michael Renbarger, Ball Aerospace; Dr. Samir Singh, Ball Aerospace; Mr. James Tucker, Kratos SRE; &
Mr. John Vasquez, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Orbital Access for Small Payloads

Session Chair:  Dr. Sandra Walker, NASA Langley Research Center
Co-Chair:  Mr. Nickolas Demidovich, Federal Aviation Administration
0800 - 0805 Session Introduction Session Introduction Session Introduction Session Introduction
0805 - 0830 Hypersonic Window & Aperture Needs
Mr. Curtis Martin, Naval Surface Warfare Center
High Temperature Microwave Performance Characterization of Hypersonic Radome Materials
Mr. Glen Hilderbrand, Applied Research Associates
Overview and Findings of an Additively-Manufactured TPS Workshop
Mr. Stan Bouslog, NASA Johnson Space Center
Expanding Suborbital Testing:  NASA Flight Opportunities and Commercial Partners Advance New Capabilities
Mr. John Kelly, NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center
0830 - 0855 Historical Aperture Data for Current Hypersonic Needs
Dr. Wesley Chapkin, Textron Systems
Advanced Ceramic Matrix Composite Design Toolkit
Dr. Sergio dos Santos e Lucato, Teledyne Scientific
Geo Belt Surge Logistics:  An Application of the Capacitated Orbital Vehicle Routing Problem for Propulsive Requirements
Mr. Finn O'Brien, Air Force Research Laboratory
Hypersonics, cont.
Development, Processing & Testing of Advanced Materials, cont.
Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials, cont.
Orbital Access for Small Payloads, cont.
0855 - 0920 Thermal and Mechanical Testing of a 3D Woven Reinforced Oxide-Oxide Window Subcomponent
Mrs. Kerry Howren, Materials Research & Design, Inc.

Presentation to be given by: Dr. Brian Sullivan,  Materials Research & Design, Inc.
Presentation to be Announced NASA’s Efforts in Lunar Construction, Manufacturing and Outfitting
Dr. Raymond Clinton, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Updated presentation title to "An Overview of NASA’s Initiatives in Lunar Construction, Manufacturing and Outfitting".
Launch Site Identification for Tactically Responsive Space Access:  Impact of Austere Sites
Ms. Theresa Sitter, Sierra Lobo, Inc.
0920 - 0945 Oxide / Oxide CMC Materials for Hypersonic Radomes and Thermal Protection Systems
Mr. John Dignam, Mentis Sciences, Inc.
Developments on Fabrication and Characterization of Silicon Nitride Fibers by LCVD
Mr. Jeff Vervlied, Free Form Fibers, LLC
Advanced, High-Temperature, Polymer-Derived Ceramics as Structural Insulating Materials for Thermal Protection Systems
Dr. Kevin Harsh, Sporian Microsystems, Inc.
Theater Persistent Coverage Analysis
Mr. Victor Christopher Ong, Sierra Lobo, Inc.
0945 - 1015 Break
Sponsored by Momentive
  Track One
Track Two
Track Three
Track Four
with *
Hypersonics, cont.
Development, Processing & Testing of Advanced Materials, cont.
Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials, cont.
Innovative Test Methodologies & Platforms

Session Chair:  Mr. Jeramie Broadway, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

Co-Chair:  Mr. Gary Tiscia, Materials Research & Design, Inc.
1015 - 1020 Announcements Announcements Announcements Session Introduction
1020 - 1045 High Temperature Antennas
Mr. Jeff Duce, The Boeing Company
Diagnostic Spectroscopy Tools for Improved Understanding of UHTC Material Interactions with Testing Environments
Dr. Samuel Frueh, Air Force Research Laboratory
Nickel Based Super Alloy Laser Powder Bed Fusion Printing Optimization for High Temperature Structures
Ms. Chappell Alex, U.S. Army DEVCOM Aviation & Missile Center
Accelerated DIC Displacement and Strain Measurement for Hypersonics Applications
Dr. Michael McGaw, McGaw Technology, Inc.
1045 - 1110 Integrated RF-Transparent Aperture for Hypersonics
Ms. Vann Heng, The Boeing Company
Novel Processing Approaches towards Ultra-High Temperature CMCs with Enhanced Oxidation and Ablation Resistance
Dr. Zlatomir Apostolov, Air Force Research Laboratory
Rapid and Flexible TPS and Ablation-Resilient Coating Fabrication with Selective Laser Heating
Dr. Albert Darling, Battelle Memorial Institute
Combined Thermal/Acoustic Testing of Thin Additive Inconel Shell Demonstration Article
Dr. Ricardo Perez, Air Force Research Laboratory
1110 - 1135 Low-Ablation Composites for Thermal Protection Systems
Dr. Justin Hendrix, Naval Surface Warfare Center
*Phase Evolution during Oxidation of HfC at Extreme Conditions
Mr. Jonathan Scott, Missouri University of Science and Technology
An Approach to Critical Component, Flight Certification
Dr. Mark Patterson, Kratos SRE

Updated presentation title to "Procedure to Determine Component Flight Confidence".
High Temperature Emissivity Measurement System (HiTEMS) Analysis of Smooth and Textured Molybdenum
Ms. Meghan Carrico, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
1135 - 1200 Multi-Layer Metal Insulation:  A Thermal Protection System with Integrated Structure
Miss Kelsey Parker, Peregrine Falcon Corporation
Oxidation Kinetics of Sub-Stoichiometric ZrCX via Furnace Testing to 2500 °C / 1 ATM Air
Dr. Mark Opeka, Kratos SRE
Influence of Reduced Carbon Content on Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Inconel 718 Prepared by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)
Dr. Tait McLouth, The Aerospace Corporation
Commercial Dual Use Technology for Planetary Scale Multi-Modal Automated Advanced Analytics through Commercial Persistent Surveillance Low Earth Orbit Satellites
Dr. Shawana Johnson, Global Marketing Insights, Inc.
1200 - 1330 Lunch Break
(On Your Own - See Registration Desk for Area Restaurants)
  Track One
Track Two
Track Three
Track Four
with *
Hypersonics, cont.
Development, Processing & Testing of Advanced Materials, cont.

Session Chair:  Dr. Daniel Driemeyer, Boeing Research & Technology
Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials, cont.

Session Chair:  Mr. Stan Bouslog, NASA Johnson Space Flight Center
Ground & Flight Test Methodologies

Session Chair:  Mr. Marshall Polk, United States Air Force

Lead Organizer:  Dr. Joseph Sheeley, PERIKIN Enterprises

Co-Organizers:  Mr. Jason Calvert, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command; Mr. Aaron Cossey, Missile Defense Agency; Mr. Paul Marchol, Aerojet Rocketdyne; & Dr. Gerald Russell, RTCS, LLC
1330 - 1335 Announcements Announcements Announcements Session Introduction
1335 - 1400 Teaching Old Materials New Tricks: Architected Materials for Hypersonics and Space
Dr. William Carter, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
*Near Net Shape Fabrication and Characterization of Cermet Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Fuel Forms
Mr. Nathaniel Blatt, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Developing Ablative Materials for Additive Manufacturing of TPS
Dr. Adam Sidor, NASA Johnson Space Center
Project Phoenix:  A Large-Scale, Clean Air, Variable Mach Freejet Hypersonic Test Facility
Mr. Stuart Steen, PERIKIN Enterprises
1400 - 1425 Additive Manufacturing for Tailorable Transpiration Cooling of Hypersonic Leading Edges
Dr. Christopher Roper, HRL Laboratories, LLC
Fabrication of Spark Plasma Sintered ZrC with WC Additions for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion
Dr. Jeremy Watts, Missouri University of Science and Technology 
Design, Production and Arc-Jet Testing of Additively Manufactured Thermal Protection Systems and Hot Structure
Dr. Bill Goodman, Goodman Technologies, LLC
Aerothermal Materials Response Test and Evaluation Methods – You CAN Get There From Here!
Dr. Gerald Russell, RTCS, LLC
1425 - 1450 Additive Manufacturing:  Enabling Technology for Hypersonic Missions
Dr. Youping Gao, Castheon, Inc.
Characterization of Advanced Polyimide Composites
Mr. Matthew Opliger, Wichita State University
Technology Development Enabling Direct Ink Writing of Solid Propellant Grains
Mr. Jeremy Snyder, Jacobs/Exquadrum
High Temperature Dynamic Instrumentation Evaluation
Mr. Samuel Tilmann, Air Force Research Laboratory
1450 - 1515 AFRL’s Leading Edge Experimentation Fixture Development
Mr. Jonathan Boston, Air Force Research Laboratory
Modeling Volume Yield and Gas Evolution in Preceramic Polymers During Pyrolysis
Dr. Thomas Key, UES, Inc.
The Use of 3D Printed Parts Printed on the HT2 Gearbox as Ground Support Equipment
Ms. Jordan Shonka, Ball Aerospace
Analysis of PICA-NuSil at the Hypersonic Materials Environmental Test System (HyMETS)
Dr. Brody Bessire, NASA Ames Research Center
1515 - 1545 Break
Sponsored by ReLogic Research
Poster Voting Cards Due to Registration Desk
  Track One
Track Two
Track Three
Track Four
Hypersonics, cont.
Development, Processing & Testing of Advanced Materials, cont.
Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials, cont.
Ground & Flight Test Methodologies, cont.
1545 - 1550 Announcements Announcements Announcements Announcements
1550 - 1615 Testing of Sharp Carbon Carbon Composite Leading Edges with Oxidation Protection
Mr. Tim McKechnie, Plasma Processes, LLC
Quantification of SiC/SiC CMC Microstructure and Damage Evolution under Increasing Tensile Loads
Dr. Ashley Hilmas, Air Force Research Laboratory
Fabrication of Radiatively Cooled Thruster Chambers using Additive Manufacturing and Advanced Joining Techniques
Mr. John O'Dell, Plasma Processes, LLC
High-Op Tempo for Hypersonics (H4H) Testbed for Tech Maturation
Mr. Scott Wilson, Naval Surface Warfare Center

Presentation to be given by: Dr. Gerald Russell, RTCS, LLC
1615 - 1640 High-Fidelity Design, Analysis, and Testing of a 1X Scale Flight-Weight C/C Wing for the AFRL Flight Research Vehicle
Mr. Daniel Clemens, University of Dayton Research Institute
Effect of SiC Filler Concentration and Size Distribution on SiOC CMCs
Mr. Ray Blotteaux, Transition Composites
Additively Manufactured Window Frames
Mr. Brian Tucker, Mainstream Engineering
Evolution of Skin Materials from Benchtop Studies to Sled Testing for Supersonic Missiles with Articulating Nose Technology
Dr. Benjamin Dickinson, Air Force Research Laboratory
1640 - 1705 Fabrication of a 1X Scale Flight-Weight C/C Wing for the AFRL Flight Research Vehicle
Mr. Anthony Bazler, University of Dayton Research Institute
Thermal Conductivity Measurements on Carbon-Carbon
Mr. James Hawbaker, Kratos SRE
*Activated Carbon Cermet Heat-Exchange Material Structures to Minimize Bremsstrahlung Emission
Mr. Andrew Mason, Air Force Institute of Technology
MIL-810 Test Operations Procedure for Hypersonic Weather Encounter
Mr. Marshall Polk, United States Air Force
1705 - 1730 Hybrid Ceramic-Metal Control Fin for Hypervelocity Projectiles
Mr. Craig Iwano, Materials Research & Design, Inc.
Carbon/Carbon Rocket Nozzles Made using Net-Shaped Tailored Fiber Placed 3D Preforms with High-Strength Carbon Nanotube Thread Stitching – Part 2
Dr. Paul Kladitis, University of Dayton Research Institute
Thermo-Structural Optimization of Robust Multi-Material Additive Hot Structures
Mr. Evan O'Connor, HRL Laboratories, LLC
Update on VAT and VacTGA (Low Pressure) IR&D at SR up to 2000-2500 °C
Mr. Bhavesh Patel, Kratos SRE
1730 - 1900 Poster Session and Networking Reception
Sponsored by The Boeing Company
Thursday, 30 June 2022        
0700 - 0745 Speaker Meeting (with Light Breakfast) for Thursday's Presenters
Sponsored by Toray Advanced Composites
0700 - 0800 Attendee Light Continental Breakfast
Sponsored by Scot Forge
0700 - 1600 Registration Open
1200 - 1330 Lunch Break
(On Your Own - See Registration Desk for Area Restaurants)
  Track One
Track Two
Track Three
with *

Session Chair:  Mr. Jonathan Boston, Air Force Research Laboratory

Lead Organizer:  Mr. Mitch Petervary, The Boeing Company
Co-Organizers:  Mr. Dan Hladio, Materials Research & Design, Inc.; Mr. Curtis Martin, Naval Surface Warfare Center; Mr. Tod Palm, Northrop Grumman Aeronautics Systems; Dr. Suraj Rawal, Lockheed Martin Space Systems; Dr. Sandra Walker, NASA Langley Research Center; & Mr. Brian Zuchowski, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company
Aerospike Rocket Integration and Sub-Orbital Experiment (ARISE)

Session Chair:  Dr. Shawn Phillips, Air Force Research Laboratory

Co-Chair:  Mr. Cory Gainus, Air Force Research Laboratory
Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials

Session Chair:  Mr. Adam Schaut, The Boeing Company

Lead Organizer:  Dr. Amjad Almansour, NASA Glenn Research Center
Co-Organizers:  Dr. Raymond Clinton, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; Ms. Kaia David, The Boeing Company; Mr. Michael Fuller, Northrop Grumman Space Systems; Dr. Suraj Rawal, Lockheed Martin Space Systems; Mr. Michael Renbarger, Ball Aerospace; Dr. Samir Singh, Ball Aerospace; Mr. James Tucker, Kratos SRE; & Mr. John Vasquez, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
0800 - 0805 Session Introduction Session Introduction Session Introduction
0805 - 0830 Integration of ThERmal StructurE ConcepTs (INTERSECT) Program Update
Mr. Jonathan Boston, Air Force Research Laboratory
Ablative, Carbon-Carbon and Copper Ramp Hot Fire Testing in Support of Aerospike Nozzle Environment and Candidate Material Characterization
Ms. Jennifer Martin-Velazquez, Air Force Research Laboratory
*Additive Manufacturing of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polysiloxane for Thermal Protection
Mr. Steven Kim, The University of Texas at Austin
0830 - 0855 Accommodating CTE Differences in Mixed Material Joints using Additively Manufactured Structures
Mr. Kurtis McIntosh, University of Dayton Research Institute
Guidance, Navigation, Control, and Mission Management for the ARISE Launch Vehicle
Mr. Jade Pomerleau, Air Force Research Laboratory
*Additively Manufactured Functionally Graded Radomes for Hypersonic Vehicles
Mr. William Fahy, KAI, LLC
0855 - 0920 Testing of Mechanically Fastened Similar and Dissimilar High Temperature Joints
Mr. Kurtis McIntosh, University of Dayton Research Institute
ARISE Instrumentation Design to Gather Modular Aerospike Engine In-Flight Performance
Mr. Jade Pomerleau, Air Force Research Laboratory
3D Printing of Continuous Fiber C/C for Hypersonic Nose Sections
Mr. Ryan Dunn, Mantis Composites
0920 - 0945 CMC Fastener Evaluation for Hypersonics and Space
Mr. Michael Peretti, GE Edison Works
ARISE Modular Aerospike Hot Fire Testing
Mr. Jade Pomerleau, Air Force Research Laboratory
High Temperature Properties of Polymer-Derived Ceramic Matrix Composites Fabricated via Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Tobias Schaedler, HRL Laboratories, LLC
0945 - 1015 Break
Sponsored by Materials Research & Design, Inc.
  Track One
Track Two
Track Three
Hypersonics, cont.
Aerospike Rocket Integration and Sub-Orbital Experiment, cont.
Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials, cont.
1015 - 1020 Announcements Announcements Announcements
1020 - 1045 Revolutionary C-C Composites and Coatings for Leading Edges and Aero-Structure Applications
Dr. Witold Kowbel, Advanced Composites and Coatings
Optimized Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processing Parameters for Novel High Temperature Nickel Alloy Structures
Mrs. Amaka O'Neal, Materials Sciences, LLC
Exploring the Ultrasonic Technology for Characterization of Additively Manufactured Parts
Dr. Andrei Zagrai, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
1045 - 1110 Evaluation of Woven Fabrics for Improved Wear Performance of High-Temperature Seals and Thermal Barriers
Dr. Scott Lattime, The University of Akron
ARISE Modular Aerospike Thruster 3D Printing Development
Mr. Jade Pomerleau, Air Force Research Laboratory
Laser-Driven CVD SiC Fiber Performance in SiC-Si3N4 Composite Materials
Dr. Shay Harrison, Free Form Fibers, LLC
1110 - 1135 Stiff Tunable Isolators for High Performance Environments
Mr. Daniel Edgar, Materials Sciences, LLC

Active Model-Based Control of Laser Heating for Low-Cost Thermal Protective Systems
Dr. Christopher Buurma, Battelle Memorial Institute
Evaluating the ROCETS Program for Rocket Engine System Modeling and Power Balance Estimation
Mr. Brenden Reeds, Air Force Research Laboratory
VR35K-A Upper Stage Engine Additive Manufacturing Development of Shear Co-Axial Injectors
Mr. Brian O'Neill, Sierra Space
1135 - 1200 Arcjet Evaluation of Monolithic Ceramic Materials
Mr. Nate McGillivray, Kratos SRE
Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) & Integrated Systems Health Monitoring (ISHM)

Session Chair:  Mr. James Larkin, Aerojet Rocketdyne

Co-Chair:  Mr. Derek DeVries, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Electro-Codeposition of Composite Materials for Enhanced Thermal and Electrical Properties
Dr. Timothy Hall, Faraday Technology, Inc.
Session Introduction
Suborbital Test of the Electro-Mechanical Impedance Structural Health Monitoring System
Dr. Andrei Zagrai, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
1200 - 1330 Lunch Break
(On Your Own - See Registration Desk for Area Restaurants)
  Track One
Track Two
Track Three
Space Access & Propulsion

Session Chair:  Mr. Andrew Haaland, Northrop Grumman Corporation

Lead Organizer:  Mr. Anthony Brinkley, Lockheed Martin HEAT
Co-Organizers:  Mr. Alan Brown, Aerojet Rocketdyne; Mr. Tim McKechnie, Plasma Processes, LLC; & Mr. Tim Stewart, Ultramet
Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) & Integrated Systems Health Monitoring (ISHM), cont.
Additive Manufacturing for Space & Missile Materials, cont.
1330 - 1335 Session Introduction Announcements Announcements
1335 - 1400 Investigation of Disaggregated Space Logistics for GEO Belt Servicing
Mr. Ethan Sichler, Air Force Research Laboratory 
Fiber Optic Sensors Embedded in Pipe Walls for Temperature and Pressure Measurements
Mr. Matthew Davis, Luna Innovations Inc.
Development of Advanced Refractory Alloy through Additive Manufacturing for Rocket Propulsion and Hypersonics
Dr. Youping Gao, Castheon, Inc.
1400 - 1425 Numerical Simulation of a Rocket Plume During Vertical Landing and its Interaction with the Landing Surface and the Surrounding Environment
Dr. Farhad Davoudzadeh, Air Force Research Laboratory
Material-Agnostic Additive Manufacturing of Sensory and Motor Structural Fibers
Dr. Shay Harrison, Free Form Fibers
Additive Manufacturing and Interface Engineering of Colloidal Nanocrystals for Flexible Thermoelectric Generators
Dr. David Estrada, Boise State University
1425 - 1450 Rocket Landing Surface Environment and Material Characterization
Dr. Malissa Lightfoot, Air Force Research Laboratory
Property Monitoring of CMC using Ultrasound NDE
Dr. Ming Chen, Air Force Research Laboratory
All-Printed Supercapacitor Array for In-Space Manufacturing
Dr. Jennifer Jones, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
1450 - 1515 Military Responsive Launch and In-Space Capabilities Enabled by AFRL's Ascent Propellant
Mr. Nils Sedano, Air Force Research Laboratory
Real-Time Structural Health Monitoring for Space Structures
Mr. Grant Chang, Acellent Technologies, Inc.

Fiber-Optic Sensor Networks to Enable Next-Generation Hypersonic Vehicle Monitoring and Control
Mr. William Price, IFOS Corporation
OSAM-2:  Plans and Progress for the First Demonstration of Structural Manufacturing in Space
Mr. Lawrence Huebner, NASA
1515 Grand Prize Give-Away & Adjourn
Sponsored by Textum
1600 - 1930 Badger Propulsion Test Facility Tour - for those registered for the tour
(Bus departs at 1600 and returns at 1930)