2025 NSMMS & CRASTE Exhibit Show


For a copy of the NSMMS & CRASTE Sponsor & Exhibitor Prospectus Packet, please click here

The 2025 event will feature a joint exhibit show open to NSMMS & CRASTE participants. Pay one booth fee and participate in two conferences. What better way to showcase your organization or technology to an even larger targeted crowd! Because this is a joint show, space is in more demand and will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis. Would you like to exhibit at NSMMS & CRASTE 2025? To help you with the process, please click here to see our most frequently asked exhibit questions. We look forward to seeing you in June!

Register Now

Why Exhibit?

  • Traffic Matters! There are over 12 hours of exhibit hall availability, networking receptions held in the exhibit hall, and other special events to draw attention and TRAFFIC to meet with you and your company.
  • Get Personal! Meet face-to-face with potential customers to build relationships and demonstrate your latest products.
  • Stay in the know! Keeping up-to-date with the latest developments and new technologies allows you to plot a course for your business to be competitive.

Exhibit Booth Fees

Exhibit Booth Option 1 Registration - $1,595 (with 1 full access badge and 1-8x10 booth)
(Price increases to $1,795 after 4 April 2025)

Exhibit Booth Option 1 registration includes one 8x10 space in the joint NSMMS & CRASTE exhibit hall, and ONE full access NSMMS & CRASTE badge (automatically assigned to the individual that registers the space). Set-up and tear-down badges are free of charge, but are only good for set-up and tear-down times - no exceptions. Additional people working the booth during show hours may purchase a full access registration or an exhibit area only registration. Please note that there will be booths located in the exhibit hall and foyer. Any 8x10 spaces located in the foyer and must contain only information and graphics that are cleared for public release.

Exhibit Booth Option 2 Registration - $2,170 (with 1 full access badge, 1 exhibit area only badge, and 1 - 8x10 booth)
(Price increases to $2,500 after 4 April 2025)

Exhibit Booth Option 2 is for those that need an extra registration badge rolled into the booth fee. This option includes one 8x10 space in the joint NSMMS & CRASTE exhibit hall, ONE full access NSMMS & CRASTE badge (automatically assigned to the individual that registers the space), and ONE exhibit area only attendee badge. Set-up and tear-down badges are free of charge, and are only good for set-up and tear-down times - no exceptions. Additional people working the booth during show hours may purchase a full access registration or an exhibit area only registration. Please note that there will be booths located in the exhibit hall and foyer. Any 8x10 spaces located in the foyer and must contain only information and graphics that are cleared for public release.

Exhibit Area Only Attendee Registration - $575 (Exhibit Hall Access Only)
(Price increases to $705 after 4 April 2025)

Exhibit Area Only Attendee Registration gives you access to the joint NSMMS & CRASTE exhibit hall, the poster session, and all three networking events*. This pass does not give you access to any of the technical sessions. Full refunds minus a $85 processing fee will be given until March 22, 2024. After that date, you may transfer your registration to another attendee, but no refunds will be given. *All networking events are considered widely attended: they are open to all attendees, included in the registration fee, and considered an essential part of full participation in the conference.

Exhibitors Receive:

  • One 8x10 booth
  • One complimentary full access registration
  • If ordering Option 2 listed above, you also will receive one complimentary exhibit area only registration.
  • Organization listing on the event website
  • Three to four sentence ad on the event website
  • Web link from the event website to yours
  • Listing in the final program & proceedings
  • Exhibit service manual
  • Organization listed on promotional signage at the Symposium
  • Access to attendee networking functions in the Exhibit Hall
  • Standard pipe and drape
  • One 6' table
  • Two chairs
  • 7” x 44” Identification Sign

Floor Plan

Floor Plan

Download Floor Plan

Exhibit Service Kit

Coming Soon

Preliminary Exhibit Hours

Exhibit Set-Up Monday, 23 June 2025 1000 - 1630
Exhibit Hours Monday, 23 June 2025 1730 - 1900
Tuesday, 24 June 2025 1300 - 1730
Wednesday, 25 June 2025 0945 - 1200 & 1300 - 1900
Exhibit Move Out Wednesday 25 June 2025 1900 - 2030
Exhibit Move Out (Optional) Thursday, 26 June 2025 Arrangements must be made in advance with Chelsea Kubal one month prior to the event.

2025 NSMMS & CRASTE Rules & Regulations

  1. Exhibitors must be U.S. companies or organizations. If your company is a U.S. subsidiary of a foreign company and has extra controls in place with the U.S. government, you may be eligible to participate. Please contact Chelsea at ckubal@blue52productions.com if this is your situation.
  2. For fees to apply, they must be received by the early bird or regular rate dates. Registration alone does not guarantee that rate.
  3. No refunds will be given for exhibit booth cancellations.
  4. Early tear-downs will incur a $1000 fee & may be prohibited from participating in future events.
  5. During set-up and tear-down all exhibit workers entering the hall must have a NSMMS & CRASTE set-up badge or a NSMMS & CRASTE registration badge. Set-up badges are free of charge but will not admit a person into the hall once the show has opened and will not admit a person into the technical sessions. Only those wearing NSMMS & CRASTE registration badges may enter the hall during show hours.
  6. Each paid 8'x10'booth for Option 1 registration will include one (1) NSMMS & CRASTE Full Access Attendee badge, to be assigned to the individual purchasing the booth space. Any additional booth workers during show hours, must register and pay the applicable registration fee (exhibit area only or full access). Option 2 registration will additionally include one(1) exhibit area only badge.
  7. To receive a 2024 NSMMS & CRASTE show badge, you must submit a DD2345 certification number (industry and academia only), a badge photo, and proof of U.S. citizenship.
  8. If your exhibit space happens to be in the Foyer, all Foyer booth spaces must contain only information and graphics that are cleared for public release. Exhibit hall booths may contain CUI data.
  9. The NSMMS & CRASTE Advisory Committee reserves the right to cancel any exhibit space for misrepresentation of products or nonpayment of exhibit fees due for space rental.
  10. The NSMMS & CRASTE Advisory Committee reserves the right to refuse applications or require exhibitors to adjust exhibited materials if they do not meet the standards required or expected, as well as the right to curtail exhibits that reflect against the character of the Symposia. This applies to displays, literature, advertising novelties, souvenirs, conduct of person, etc.
  11. Show information and updates will be provided via email or online and will be sent to the designated exhibit show contacts. If the onsite show contact is different from the pre-show contact, a name and contact information for the onsite show contact is required. Designation of an onsite POC is required to ensure important show information is disseminated to the individuals that are staffing the booths.
  12. Exhibitors should secure, at their own expense, appropriate liability/loss insurance and provide reasonable security for equipment and displays. The NSMMS & CRASTE Advisory Committee, Blue52 Productions, LLC, and the show decorating and drayage company will not be responsible for loss, theft, or damage to exhibitor supplied equipment during any part of the Symposia or during set-up and tear-down. It is agreed that exhibitors shall indemnify and exempt Blue52 Productions, its officers and staff, the NSMMS & CRASTE Advisory Committee, the decorating and drayage company, and the Conference Center from all personal and property loss of liability which may arise from fire, lighting, smoke, strike, riot, and civil commotion, or any other cause and condition beyond their control. The exhibitor expressly waives all claims for any loss, damage, or injury.
  13. Exhibitor hereby assumes entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and save Hotel, its owners, its operator, and each of their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, officers, directors, and agents harmless against all claims, losses or damages to persons or property, governmental charges or fines and attorney's fees arising out of or caused by its installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the exhibition premises or a part thereof, excluding any such liability caused by the sole gross negligence of Hotel and its employees and agents. Exhibitor shall obtain and keep in force during the term of the installation and use of the exhibit premises, policies of Comprehensive General Liability Insurance and Contractual Liability Insurance, insuring and specifically referring to the Contractual liability set forth in this agreement, in an amount not less than $2,000,000 Combined Single Limit for personal injury and property damage. Hotel, its owners, and its operator shall be included in such policies as additional named insureds. In addition, exhibitor acknowledges that neither Hotel, its owners, nor its operator maintain insurance covering exhibitor's property and that it is the sole responsibility of exhibitor to obtain business interruption and property damage insurance insuring any losses. Exhibitor will provide a copy of the certificate of insurance to Blue52 Productions, prior to set-up.
  14. These rules and regulations together with the application and payment constitute the entire agreement.