The National Fire Control Symposium (NFCS) will be held at the SECRET//NOFORN level. Attendees must be a U.S. citizen and possess a FINAL SECRET clearance in order to attend. Visit requests will be required. Visit requests for the symposium will be processed through the Defense Information Security System (DISS). Please have your security office submit your visit as soon as possible, or by Thursday, 28 March 2024.
Badges will be issued once you have met the security guidelines and have produced one of the following forms of photo identification onsite
No electronic devices including smart devices such as watches and health monitoring devices, outgoing pagers or beepers, cell phones, palm pilots, audio/visual recording devices, and photographic equipment are allowed into the technical session rooms. Please leave them in your hotel room or car. Electronics may be left at the NFCS electronics table, however, neither NFCS nor the event facility are liable for lost or damaged items. Turn off phones or put them into silent mode if you must leave them on the electronics table.
Prohibited items include, but are not limited to notebooks, padfolios, briefcases, backpacks, fanny packs, tote bags, cinch bags, luggage of any kind, computer bags, and any bag, wallet, or wallet-like purse larger than the permissible size (4" x 5"). Wallets and wallet-like purses meeting the size requirements may be subject to search. The registration desk will not hold these prohibited items while you are attending sessions, so please plan accordingly.
Classified notetaking will not be permitted at the 2024 NFCS. Unclassified notetaking will be allowed in designated sections of the program book only.
Blue52 Productions does not work with any third parties to provide a list of contacts during or following the event.