The National Fire Control Symposium (NFCS) will be held at the SECRET//NOFORN level. Attendees must be a U.S. citizen and possess a FINAL SECRET clearance in order to attend. Visit requests will be required.
Visit requests for the National Fire Control Symposium (NFCS 2020) will be processed through the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS). A copy of your visit request must be received through JPAS by close of business Wednesday, 5 February 2020.
Badges will be issued once you have met the security guidelines and have produced one of the following forms of photo identification onsite
Please email a JPG file (150 dpi minimum) of your photo for your Symposium badge to Ms. Sherry Johnson, Photos taken onsite will incur a $20 fee. To avoid this charge, send your JPG photo file in advance or upload online when registering!
No electronic devices (including smart devices such as watches and health monitoring devices) are allowed into the technical session rooms. Please leave them in your hotel room or car. Electronics may be left at the NFCS electronics table, however, neither NFCS nor the Shades of Green are liable for lost or damaged items. Turn off phones or put them into silent mode if you must leave them on the electronics table. Briefcases, purses and bags are not allowed in the meeting rooms. Wallets or wallet size purses are permitted.
Notetaking in the technical sessions is prohibited except in the NFCS Redbooks that will be provided onsite. When leaving the meeting rooms, you must turn the Redbook back in to the security staff. All Redbooks will be shipped to attendees at the close of the Symposium.