Honeybee Robotics


Sponsorship Packages

For a downloadable version of Packages & Ads, please click here.

Amenities Platinum Gold Silver Copper Bronze
$15,000 $10,000 $7,500 $5,000 $2,000
Amenities Amenities Amenities Amenities Amenities
Complimentary Full Access Conference Registrations 7 5 4 3 2
Week of Banner Ad Time on the Event Website (You Choose the Weeks) 5 4 3 2 1
Sponsor Highlight in Email Blast to Conference Distribution List 3 2 2 1 0
Recognition on the Conference Website Sponsor Page Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Logo on rotating banner on bottom of all Deep Space web pages Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Listing by Levels on the Deep Space Sponsor Page Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Link to Customized downoadable sponsor page to include:
   Company Logo Linked to your website
   Link to Company Brochure
   Link to Company Information Sheet
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sponsor Recognition at Start of Technical Sessions Each Day Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

You have the opportunity to purchase a website banner ad per week, which will appear on the on the home page. The cost of this is $200 per week. Please contact Amy Voisard at avoisard@blue52productions.com for more information.