Call for Abstracts

Abstract Template
Click Here to use our HTSC Abstract Template Form.

Online Abstract Submission Form

All answers must be Unclassified.

Presenter's Work Address
Upload Abstract

Password Protecting Your Document

To password protect a Word document:
  1. Click File.
  2. Under the Info Tab, Click Protect Document.
  3. Click Encrypt with Password.
  4. Enter a strong password when prompted and click OK.
  5. Word will ask you to confirm your password and when completed, you will be returned to the Info page showing the document is protected and requires a password to open.
  6. If you need to decrypt the document, just repeat the process, remove the password when asked.
To Password Protect a PDF:
  1. Click the File menu again when viewing the open document, followed by Properties and Security.
  2. Click the drop-down menu to the right of Security Method, then select Password Security from the resulting list of options.
  3. A window should appear prompting you for a password. Check the box beside Require a password to open the document and enter your desired password into the corresponding text field. Considering you're sending this password out to others, it's probably best to choose one that you don't use for other services. Recent versions of Adobe will even rate how difficult your password will be to guess, so try to pick a password that gets a strong rating, one that includes a combination of lower-case letters, capitalization, and numbers.
  4. Re-enter password on the pop-up confirmation screen.

☆ Upload Abstract Special Instructions - PLEASE READ

  • SUBMISSION NOTICE: Abstracts must be in Microsoft Word (.doc ONLY) or PDF format only. Microsoft Word (.DOCX) files are not compatible with this submission form. SUBMIT ONLY .DOC and .PDF documents.
  • Please do not include images in your abstract. File sizes are limited to 1MB.
  • Submitted abstracts must not be more than 400 words long. The outline you submit with your abstract does not count against word limit.