The 2008 National Fire Control Symposium was held 28-31 July, 2008 in Boston, Ma This event focused on current warfighter issues and challenges applicable for all military services and the defense industry. 2008’s theme, “Full Spectrum Dominance of the Joint Battlespace,” captured the increased challenges faced by our forces as they strive for timely and accurate target elimination in spite of the target’s increasingly mobile and elusive nature. The Symposium addressed the application and integration of sensing, information interoperability, and weapons used for attacking difficult targets characterized as concealed, time-critical, urban, deeply buried or electronic. Conducted in a classified environment, the NFCS is a dynamic forum for presentation, discussion, and sharing of ideas required for: force management and pre-mission planning; locating, identifying, targeting, and attacking air/sea/ground targets; and performing post-attack evaluations. |

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Plenary Session
Dr. Eric D. Evans
Director, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
General James “Hoss” Cartwright
USMC, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Mr James “Raleigh” Durham
Director, Joint Advanced Concepts OUSD
Mr Robert Shevock
Aegis BMD Chief Engineer
Dr David Jerome
Director, Sensors Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
Dr Rodney Robertson
Director, Space and Missile Defense Technical Center
John D Burrow
Deputy Commander, Marine Corps Systems Command
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Symposium Supporters & Sponsors
Corporate Sponsor
General Dynamics Information
Additional Support
Provided By:
The US Army Space & Missile Defense Command
The Air Force Research Laboratory
Additional Sponsorship Provided By:
Lockheed Martin
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Labs
Northrop Grumman
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